Information for new users
- Which subjects are included in the Hogeschooltaal English Practice Environment?
- How Can I Use the Basic Skills Module?
- How do I, as a teacher, access the practice environment?
- How can I use he Writing Skills module?
- How can I use the ChatGPT module?
- When is the Service Desk available?
Benefits of Hogeschooltaal
Licence purchase
Student monitoring system
- Can i change the student number?
- Where can I find the practice results of my students?
- How do I request an account for the student monitoring system?
- How can I login in the student monitoring system?
- How to add a group/class in the student monitoring system?
- I do not see the results of my students in the student monitoring system and/or the reports.
Administering tests
- How do I schedule a test myself?
- How can tests be taken in Hogeschooltaal?
- How reliable are your tests?
- Which tests can I schedule?
- Which test version should I use?
- How do i enroll students for the test?
Test instructions to share
Special facilities & exemptions
Test reports & certificates
- Would you like to see results from a test that your collague has scheduled?
- Where can I find the test results of individual test results?
- What does a cumulative calculation mean?
- Is it possible to adjust the standard test norm of 80%?
- How do I access the test report after a test has ended?
- When do students receive a certificate?